New issue of Journal of Information Literacy

Volume 7 Issue 2 of the Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) is now available to view online! JIL is the journal of the CILIP Information Literacy group and it is a gold open access peer reviewed title. This issue has a number of papers from LILAC, several articles and a range of short reports, conference write-ups and book reviews. JIL is available at:

This bumper issue is published as we approach the 40 year anniversary of the coining of the phrase information literacy and includes a short interview with Paul Zurkowski. The full table of contents is below.


Jane Secker, Towards Universal Information Literacy 40 years on

Papers from LILAC


Clare McCluskey, Being an embedded research librarian: supporting research by being a researcher

Lauren Smith, Towards a model of critical information literacy instruction for the development of political agency

Pamela Kessinger, Integrated instruction framework for information literacy

Philip Russell et al, Creating, Sharing and Reusing Learning Objects to Enhance Information Literacy.



Barbara Jean Ganley, Faculty and student perceptions and behaviours related to information literacy: a pilot study using triangulation

Eleonora Dubicki, Faculty perceptions of students’ information literacy skills competencies

Lacy and Chen, Rethinking Library Instruction: Using Learning-Outcome Based Design to Teach Online Search Strategies

Project reports


Cathie Jackson, Confidence as an indicator of research students’ abilities in information literacy: a mismatch

Mariela Hristova, Longitudinal update: business information literacy teaching at different academic levels

Emma Woods and Ellie Murphy, Get the digital edge: a digital literacy and employability skills day for students

Emma Greengrass, Chat Literacy: Reflection on approaches and methodology towards setting up a community of practice on information capability in an international context

Darren Smart and Jacquie Widdowson, Information Literacy in Public Libraries

Conference corner


Paul Zurkowski interview, Paul G. Zurkowski & Information Literacy: On his trip to the first European Conference on Information Literacy.

Marion Kelt & Maria Bell, European Conference on Information Literacy, Istanbul, Turkey

Book reviews


Jonathan White – Book Review of Pears, R. and Shields, G. 2013. Cite them right: the essential referencing guide.

Sarah Castle – Book Review of Walsh, A. and Coonan, E. (eds.) 2013. Only Connect… Discovery pathways, library explorations and the information adventure.

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